14 images Created 26 Jul 2013
Lampedusa - Island of contrasts. A door into Europe
Lampedusa sporadically makes headlines in the international press because of the arrival of thousands of migrant and refugee boats from northern Africa. The 'other' side of Lampedusa, the bustling tourism during the summer months is not so well known. Lampedusa is an island of contrasts, bringing together two different worlds.
This is part of a long term project "Bitter Oranges: African migrant labour in Calabria" on the living conditions of migrant workers working on orange plantations in Southern Italy in collaboration with anthropologists Diana Reiners and Gilles Reckinger. Most african migrant workers who work on the plantations entered Europe through Lampedusa.
Pictures coming soon
This is part of a long term project "Bitter Oranges: African migrant labour in Calabria" on the living conditions of migrant workers working on orange plantations in Southern Italy in collaboration with anthropologists Diana Reiners and Gilles Reckinger. Most african migrant workers who work on the plantations entered Europe through Lampedusa.
Pictures coming soon