Abdelfattah - Director Al Rowwad Cultural Center, Betlehem
What is your motivation to work towards peace?
It is how to be remembered, how to feel that I am doing something that helps everybody else because I believe that everybody is a change maker. The worst nightmare that I have is that one day, my children or your children come and look me in the eyes and say: "What did you do to make a change? What heritage are you leaving us?"
What is your vision for the future?
My vision is that people think that they can make a difference and they cannot just sit and criticize without really acting for change. We are not only receivers of services and information; we are in an interactive process to create a change. Little by little we see that people, the civil community, are moving. Civil society is making a change, society is protesting and walking in the streets and can actively criticize the government and what they are doing. I envisage that justice will prevail because if we look at history, kingdoms come and go away, but what remains are the people and a constant request for justice.