Rasha - Journalist and activist - Akko
What is your motivation to work towards peace?
I am a journalist in the field of culture and art; I believe that the culture and art scene in the '48' area (Israel) is one of the best. We have a really big production of music, theatre, cinema and photography and design, and I believe that this is the medal of the Palestinian society in '48'. Through our bands, our great directors, our singers, we tell our stories as Palestinians. The Palestinians of '48' live in ghettos, and we want to survive. To survive is to keep your identity and your stories and spread them in the world and that is what I do through culture and art. My motivation is to write about these things, to let my people know, to let the Arab world know, to let the whole world know what's really going on in terms of positive and great work despite everything, the occupation, the socio-economic situation.
What is your vision for the future?
I want a one state solution and the right of return. I think it's the result not the solution. I believe it will not continue like this, the world will not stay as it is, it will change somehow. The one state solution and the right of return for the Palestinian refugees is the only thing I can see. There is a lot of space for everyone here. People can live together here, in a democratic, an unreligious state. Who wants to come, should be able to come. The North of Palestine, here, is closer to Beirut than to Jerusalem. That's what I mean about identity, because who says that a Palestinian from Gaza is not closer to the Egyptians ? So it's about a world without borders, without checkpoints, without passports, without occupation. To move around, to feel free, feel safe and live in peace without borders and checkpoints.